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Period 9 - Millionaire’s house


We are transitioning from Period 8 to Period 9 Feng Shui on 4th Feb 2024. Period 9 Feng shui will continue for the next 20 years.

In this context we will focus on the following two questions:

  • How will your current house perform in terms of Wealth Luck in Period 9?
  • Are you currently living in a house, which has the potential to make you a millionaire in Period 9?

Let us start with understanding Period 9 Feng Shui first

What is Period 9 Feng Shui?

As per the Time and Space Flying Stars Feng Shui, we experience significant changes in our luck every 20 years. This is known as a Period in the Flying Stars Feng Shui. Period 8 Feng shui started in Feb 2004. This will come to an end in Feb 2024. During this transition from Period 8 to Period 9, there will be a major shift in the universal energy, which will influence the energy inside our house. The impact will be different depending on the year of build completion, major renovation work, and the facing direction of your house.

Why is Period 9 Feng Shui important?

The energy inside our house goes through a natural cycle of rising and falling energy. For example, a Period 8 House, which was built between Feb 2004 and Feb 2024, has the highest level of energy in Period 8. When we will move into Period 9, the energy inside a Period 8 house, will start to decay. That does not mean that it will be bad, but it will mean that it will no longer be as potent as it was in the last Period. To uplift the potency of the Chi inside the Period 8 house in Period 9, we need to make major changes in the placement of the Feng Shui Cures before Period 9 starts. Therefore, it is vitally important to get your house Feng Shui done to align the Chi inside your house with Period 9, which will bring you abundance and prosperity over the next 20 years.

Wealth Luck for Period 9

Let us take a look at the Wealth Luck for different houses built over the last 100 years. How will they perform wealth-wise in Period 9?

In general, houses built in Period 4, Period 6, and Period 8 will have prosperous Wealth Chi and perform well in Period 9. Then depending on the facing direction of the house we need to assess the Natal Flying Stars for the house. Based on the configuration of the Natal Flying Stars we can forecast the Wealth Luck for the different houses built over the last 100 years. 

In the above figure, you can see how the Period 9 Wealth Luck is changing for all the houses built over the last 100 years – from Period 4 to Period 8. If your house has a 3-Star Wealth Luck Index, then consider yourself extremely lucky, as your house will be one of the best houses in terms of Wealth Luck in Period 9. 


Let us take the example of all the Period 8 Houses, which are facing the 2nd and 3rd Mountains in the North. When we take a look at the Natal Flying Stars Chart for the house group, we find the primary wealth star in the Facing Palace of the Houses. Therefore, if you are living in a Period 8 House with a facing direction between 352.5 and 22.5 compass degrees, then you will be living in a Millionaire’s House in Period 9. 


Now the question is: can you become a Millionaire by living in a Millionaire’s house in Period 9? 

Refer to the Luck Trinity. Our overall Luck is a combination of Heaven Luck, Man Luck, and Earth Luck. By living in a Millionaire’s house in Period 9, you will be able to give an excellent boost to your Earth Luck. But finally, to make it happen, you need help and alignment with your Heaven Luck and Man Luck.    


A 2-Star or 1-Star Wealth Luck Index means you have a Wealth Star in the Facing Palace of your house, but that Wealth Star is not the most-timely Wealth Star. Therefore, it will take more time for you to generate the Wealth Opportunities.

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